Nuvolaris For Developers

Simplify cloud-native development and cut costs

Navigating the cloud native landscape is exciting but challenging: in Nuvolaris we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the best decisions! Here are some of the most commonly asked questions, along with our detailed answers!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Choose the best version of Nuvolaris according to your business

What does the name Nuvolaris mean?

The name Nuvolaris is made up of several parts.
First of all, the Italian word “nuvola” that means “cloud”.
Then this is extended to “Nuvolari”, as a reference to the most famous racing cars driver ever: Tazio Nuvolari.
Finally, the use of the S at the end allows you to create a rhyme with Solaris, one of the best operating systems ever.
Therefore, the name Nuvolaris has within itself the concepts of cloud, speed and operating system.

What is the difference between Nuvolaris and Openwhisk?

Nuvolaris and OpenWhisk are both serverless computing systems, but they have significant differences in their implementations.
Nuvolaris is a proprietary serverless platform, while OpenWhisk is an open source project supported by the Apache Software Foundation.

What is the difference between Nuvolaris Community and Nuvolaris Enterprise?

Nuvolaris Community is a limited open source version, while Nuvolaris Enterprise is a complete package that it is able to handle a greater load of requests because it’s based on a more scalable and robust OpenWhisk architecture.
Then the Enterprise Version also includes a monitoring and alerting system that determines the status of the cluster and alerts a support team if there are problems of various kinds with resources, performance, storage etc.

Where can I find information to install Nuvolaris?

You can find all you need to know about the Nuvolaris installation in the following link:

How can I contribute to the Open Source project?

You can contribute to the open source project in various ways.
Here are some examples:
- Code development
- Bug reports
- Documentation improvements
- Community support
- Donations
- Promotions

Before contributing, always read the guidelines of the specific open source project and try to understand the culture and expectations of the community. Additionally, comply with the project's code of conduct to maintain a collaborative and respectful environment.

Why would I choose Nuvolaris over public cloud services?

The current public cloud landscape has several limitations. Among these we can find:
- Data Security
- Unforeseen Costs
- Vendor lock-in
- Scalability
- Management complexities
- Data transfer costs

With Nuvolaris every company can say goodbye to these issues and exploit the full potential of serverless.

Can I use Nuvolaris in public clouds such as AWS and Google?

Yes, you can use Nuvolaris in public clouds, including AWS and Google Cloud.

What Our Users Say

Hear it from our customers

"The opportunities of a portable serverless are mind-blowing. We developed a cloud-native engine working everywhere. A dream come true!"

"Nuvolaris was an excellent choice for our message delivery platform. Easy to use, easy to develop, scalable and robust."

"I was looking for a platform to build our next-generation cloud-native solution and Nuvolaris fits the bill: it really delivers the promise of a solution working everywhere cutting costs!"

"The quality of the product and the competence of the development team have allowed us to reach a truly ambitious goal managing to respect stringent deadlines."


How may we help you?

Explore our FAQ section to find answers to the most common questions and clarify any doubts about Nuvolaris!

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